Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The Little Bro.

It is amazing, and exciting that todays technology can allow us to sneak a peek at the unborn. Here is a preview of the little life that continues to kick and let us know he is soon to be part of the family in mid-July. We're excited for his arrival, but we're sure that someone else around here doesn't know the full extent of what is to come. Aiden is fun to watch as he likes to give "Little Brother" a kiss on Mommy's tummy. Praise God for all of His little wonders in this life.

Tractor care. . .

Just wanted to send along some of the thoughts and photos of the the world of a nearly 2-year-old. Quite logical really, tractors have mouths, they must need to eat. It is fun to watch him as he cares for them and takes responsiblity. Shhhhh, they have to sleep too. We wanted to share some of our enjoyment in watching our toddler and his view of the world.